Flash. Off-camera lighting. I love learning about these aspects of photography. I feel like anyone can pick up a camera and learn the mechanics of ISO, shutter speed and aperture in relation to ambient light. But introduce off camera flash and modifiers and I turn into a head-spinning cartoon character. Zack Arias’ OneLight workshop gave me the foundation of lighting knowledge (can you say “Inverse-square law?”), but the JVS Speedlites Workshop slowed the head-spinning and allowed me to work on fine-tuning my skills and knowledge.
Joseph showing us how to use the Bruce Dorn Strip Bank…

A huge thanks to Love Life Images for hosting the workshop in their amazing Savage, MD studio!
tPoz - Really excited now! Can’t wait for this workshop!
Jeff N - Excellent! Those massive indoor group shots will be no problem now, right? 😀
The “strobist” world is addictive and EXPENSIVE! Be careful!
Happy shooting!
Anna Kim - So very cool! Looks like a great workshop!
Meg Sexton - I love you images! I had so much fun at the JVS workshop out in my area.
maria - so jealous you were able to attend this workshop. the shots and write-up are fantastic! and you got to meet jen, yay! love her.
April - Laurie, I love your blog and your photos are outstanding! 🙂 You’re so good at what you do! XOXO
ellie - Laurie awesome work. Is that joe and mary?