Letting Go

I’m not the first photographer to struggle with this.  And I know I won’t be the last.  And I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last time I’m in this situation.  You see, I was recently contacted by someone looking for wedding coverage in less than a month, on a weekend in October, one of the busiest months and seasons for photographers.  And I happened to be available, while a large number of my photographer friends were not.  I worked with her on price, and then she took my quote and shopped around.  She then came back a few days later and said she wanted to hire me, but asked that I come down on price even further.  I made a concession, because I wanted to show her I was willing to work with her, and she seemed happy.  Shortly after sending her my contract, she asked me to change something else about my policies.  And at that point I had to say “no.”  And I had to let her go.

She wasn’t excited about me, or about having me photograph her wedding.  I was just a photographer who happened to be available.  Being treated as a commodity or “hired help” is no wedding photographer’s dream.  What I do is very personal to me.  I want to share in the love and emotion of my couples’ day.  I’m invested in my clients and I choose them just as much as they choose me.  I love being excited about photographing my clients, and I love when they love having me there.

Sometimes letting go is tough.  But when you make the decision to do what’s right for you and your business, you’ll find that booking your ideal client becomes more rewarding, and you feel good about not selling your soul just to make a few dollars.  So that wedding that I was *thisclose* to booking?  Well, I’m going to spend that time working on the nursery, and preparing for my baby, and enjoying that time with my husband.  Choosing to “let go” has already paid for itself in the precious family time I will be gaining.

And since a post is always better with a photo, here’s one that’s been on my personal Facebook page since we announced a few months ago, but I have yet to share on the blog.  We are SO excited!!

Baby Announcement


NYC and Making the Most of a Lost Booking » Laurie Bracewell Photography - […] were right.  Everyone who commented on this blog post and everyone who commented on Facebook.  They said something amazing would come of that day I […]

alil anderson - oh, laurie. *this* is spot on, woman. remain authentic because THAT is what people, friends and clients alike, love about you. you’ve got BIG BIG BIG joys and success headed your way!

Critty Howard - This is a very hard thing to do but in the end your gut instincts are never wrong. So good for you! I too find my photography very personal and you want everyone to have a great experience. …And let’s face it…those who book at the last minute and last resort are just a red flag to me that it might be a bit chaotic experience…and that the photography was probably not very important to them in the first place. I think its safe to say you definitely made the right decision!

heather - very well put! It is so hard to let go and not take it personal, but in the end it is always better….

Rebekah Hoyt - Yes! It’s a hard thing to do but it is ultimately what is best both for us as photographers and for our couples. Being fully invested in each other really makes a difference in the type of wedding photography experience they are able to have! Enjoy the time off with your hubs 🙂

maria - well said, my friend.

p.s. LOVE the new blog look and logo! 🙂

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